Because Magic Happens / by Aanarav Sareen

"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." — Walt Disney 

In 1919, Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star. According to his editor, he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas."

It's 7:00am on one of the first few beautiful Fridays of this year. The sun is out. People look happy and the world continues to do amazing things. 

This week has been therapeutic for me. It started off by opening up to someone I care about. It is ending with a quick trip to Chicago.  

But, more importantly, it has also been a difficult week for me. I've felt a whole range of emotions that are somewhere on the magnitude of scary to terrifying.  

Last night, I was talking to a friend of mine and I realized that the only reason I'm qualified to talk about any of this is because I have thankfully lived through some of the darkest periods in my life. 

I realized that in order for me to even be at this point in life - I had to live through all of it. I wanted to run away and give up more times than I care to admit. But today, when I look back on it - I'm glad all of those things happened. They weren't easy. But they taught me one thing - magic happens. Magic happens when you take that leap of faith. Magic happens when you believe in the people around you. Magic happens when you    follow your heart.

Why? Because magic exists. Don't you deserve magic?